I was thinking ( because rocking a sick child allows you the time to do that, think) about what I have learned during cancer and this is what I have come up with...
Faith is everything. Without it there is no hope.
You don't have to get dressed up to talk to the doctors. Medical decisions can be made just as you are. In your pjs, through a shower curtain, without make up, with out a bra on, with out your eyes open, with your mouth full, with morning breath, through tears and everything in between.
Chemo sucks! No if ands or buts about it.
Children are expensive.
One "I love you mommy" is worth all the money in the world.
The Lord will never leave you...even if he says nothing he is still there.
Patience, patience, patience.
It hurts as much to watch your children suffer as it does to suffer yourself.
If you schedule benadryl at nap time it makes nap time soooo much easier.
Sometimes the best medicine is for someone to just hold you and rock you to sleep.
Sometimes the soul will ache so much you think your heart will not be able to beat again. It is almost an insult to the soul that the heart keeps plodding along. It is then that you realize that they are two separate things bound for different worlds.
Sunshine and fresh air heal the soul.
Never judge anyone. You don't know what they might be enduring.
Everyone has faith shaking experiences. Recognize them and take your concerns to the Lord. If you don't turn to him there is nowhere else to go.
It's funny to hear people tell you you are strong when you know you are not.
You really can gain weight on carnation instant breakfast.