Thursday, May 27, 2010


Critter is very active and he knows how to use his head! His platelets are low so he bruises easy (I don't think it would matter what his platelets were he would still be covered in bruises!) and he uses his head to fall on. The sink in our room is just low enough that if Critter stands up in his walker he hits his head. So he runs into it a lot. He has also hit his head on the under part of his crib. Also if you look closely you can see a big bruise across the bridge of his nose! He fell. Whoops.

Also...does anyone see what is missing in the last picture? No IV! yeah! He only has to be on his IV at night now. He needs to stay hydrated and isn't quite drinking enough but he is still drinking some so they unhook us during the day and we get fluids at night. It is soooo nice not to constantly untangle, unwind and pull back on IV lines!

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