Thursday, September 23, 2010

Still Here

Well we are still here. I thought for sure we would be home by this weekend but I am beginning to believe that it probably isn't going to happen. His white blood cell count was 0.1 for a little more than a week. On Sunday it jumped to 0.2. Today it is 0.2. As you can see we are not making any progress! His WBCs are usually at least a whole number before they start talking about letting us go. He has some mouth sores that are pretty bad this time. Usually he gets mouth sores and then his counts come up and they heal. When your counts are low your body cannot heal itself. So his mouth sores are not healing this time and I think they are bothering him. He is also really bored. When Jason comes up this weekend I am going to have him bring some new toys. With the light at the end of the tunnel it is torcher to wait and wait for the labs to get better. I feel like screaming! I honestly thought we would be out sometime this week and now I am arranging another week of no mom at home.

He is happy most of the time even when he is being a non-compliant patient. When the docs come to see him they use the otoscope (the little light on the wall that docs will use to look in ears or eyes). Critter has figured out how to take the top off. A doc will say open your mouth and he will take the top off the otoscope and hand it to them. They aren't sure what to do its kinda funny. He is also refusing vital signs. They put the blood pressure cuff on his leg and he shakes his leg until they take it off. We are bribing him with candy and he knows it. He will only sit still if you hand him candy first and then only for one set of vital signs. If you didn't get a good reading the first time oh well he is not going to let you try again. Sometimes people look at me like, "do something" but I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't pin him down so they can get a blood pressure, he would scream and throw a fit and the blood pressure would be awful. You can tell who has children and understands this fact from those that don't have kids and think you can force everything. It is painfully obvious which staff members have children and which do not. It is also comical at times. One resident asked Critter to tell her where he hurt. I wonder how long she has been doing pediatrics? Anyway dinner tonight was french toast dipped in chocolate pudding! He ate more dinner than usual so I didn't care how messy he got!


  1. Come on Critter's white blood cells... do your work! Critter needs to go home!

    (many prayers for Critter.)

  2. I hope you get to go home soon. We'll be praying for him and the rest of your family.
